onsdag 28 september 2011

Beans & Beers (and a couple of drinks too much...)

Always nice when somebody has the time to come and visit me up north in my garage.
I think I´m allergic though, always when I drink the stuff that aint beer I get a little bit too dizzy and get a lot of crazy ideas...

måndag 26 september 2011

lördag 17 september 2011

Who´s gonna pull santas sleigh now?

Rudolph the rednosed meat with chantarells and lingonberry sauce, yummy!

Gasket problems

Do you see it? This is probably the reason why my new Galaxie is leaking a lot of oil...
I removed the engine today for a little tune up.

Olas Garage pinpanel!

måndag 12 september 2011

Hop Upers Swap

Took a little trip with the princess to Vänersborg last weekend to drop off a set of old E-T & Torque Trust D wheels at Hop-upers very nice swap meet. Many cool cars, bikes and, of course, old and new parts.

måndag 5 september 2011

Bye Bye Sweetheart...

The old Galaxie has moved to a new daddy, many sweet nights we have had in this. Singing, drinking and snoring together.

Soon to come, the replacement!




Big Bengts big museum at High Chaparall is filled with fun things

Chillin At Big Bengt´s

Me and Ola took a trip for some good times at Big Bengts Wild West World with our familys , I liked the old Mexico village because there they served icecold beer!
// Fred


Pic stolen on the www

Hairy burnout!

söndag 4 september 2011


Me and Rico did some ride's today with the Brotherhood MC.
It have been some bad day's with rain but today it was a great day and ride.
Se you soon my friends./Peace


This was a long time ago,I think is was 2005 in Stockholm at the Depalma Mayhem.
Good memories.
At the pic is Martin,Klibban,Teo at the Infamous Tattoo Studio,Jenny at the same studio.

Pic stolen from Gasoline Magazine